Boogie Advindo : Save The Trees

Jakarta - the current climate change is not just a phenomenon. Implications for global warming and climate change impact on all aspects of life on earth. Changes in weather parameters and extreme climate events will increasingly frequent and strikes the surface of the earth.
The impact of global climate change is clearly very influential on the development process in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries that contribute actively in international negotiations on global climate change.

Unfortunately, illegal logging (illegal loging) continue to happen. As one effort to suppress illegal logging and preserve the trees, PT. Boogie ADVINDO as the company Anak Bangsa do one of the mitigation measures, namely through the Save the Tress, Keep Water Clean. The program begins with the production of oars that are not made of wood.

Paddle produced by Boogie ADVINDO, as Director, Anas Ridwan, is expected to absorb the local and international markets so that more can hire more workers amid the global financial crisis and the tight competition in the business. "Save The Trees, Keep The Clean Water is also a program to encourage the general public the importance of clean water for human life today and in the future. Because future generations to be healthy both spiritual and physical, "the statement Boogie ADVINDO Director, Anas Ridwan.

In each oar made of PVC and polyprophilane it, spiked with the slogan 'Save The Trees, Keep the Water Clean ". With the purchase worth Rp 500,000 oar that, consumers have donated funds for tree planting. "Every year, the market absorbs Indonesia 1000-2000 oars. Boogie production capability reaches 10,000 per year. We are currently exploring the export efforts. Japan, Australia and America is our target market and until now serapannya also quite good, "Anas said that the launch of the program was interrupted encountered Save The Trees, Keep The Clean Water held in Bali on Friday (17/04).

PT. Boogie in the program ADVINDO Save The Trees, the Water Clean Keep it took 2 Swiss citizens who are currently traveling around the world by the World Travel Team, Samuel and Philipe to participate, where in every place in the countries they singgahi, they will convey how important we are to conduct environmental conservation.

Boogie ADVINDO is a company located in the street 26 C Talang Raya Bogor. The company produces a wide range of water sports equipment such as boat (rubber boats) that is widely used by travel services companies, rafting, paddle, helmet, vest and other supporting devices. In addition, manufacturers who have this Boogie brand, also produces backpacks, sandals, shoes, shirts and various other equipment associated with adventure activities (adventure).

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