Apakah Hutan Hujan Itu?

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Hutan hujan tropis adalah hutan dengan pohon-pohon yang tinggi, iklim yang hangat, dan curah hujan yang tinggi. Di beberapa hutan hujan, curah hujannya lebih besar dari 1 inci per hari!

Hutan hujan dapat ditemukan di Afrika, Asia, Australia, serta Amerika Tengah dan Selatan. Hutan hujan terbesar di dunia adalah hutan hujan Amazon. 

Sumber : mongabay.co.id


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Horrified really, to hear the fact that more than one million hectares of forest which is largely a tropical rain forest were destroyed each month in sunia - equivalent to an area of forest areas destroyed a football pitch every two seconds!

Apparently friends - friends, in addition to support biodiversity and people who depend on forests, forest and soil carbon was kept in a very large number - nearly 300 billion tons of carbon, or about 40 times the amount of emissions released into the atmosphere. That is dangerous my friend!

Well, the destruction and degradation of forest influence on climate change in two ways.

First, clearing and burning of forests releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Second, destruction of forests will reduce the forest areas that absorb carbon dioxide.

Both roles are extremely important kaena if we destroy the remaining tropical forests, then we have lost the battle against climate change.

my friends all the same - the same respect and love our green earth, take care of forest conservation or reforestation, as do our real work as a future generation aware of the importance of our environment.

Boogie Advindo : Save The Trees

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Jakarta - the current climate change is not just a phenomenon. Implications for global warming and climate change impact on all aspects of life on earth. Changes in weather parameters and extreme climate events will increasingly frequent and strikes the surface of the earth.
The impact of global climate change is clearly very influential on the development process in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries that contribute actively in international negotiations on global climate change.

Unfortunately, illegal logging (illegal loging) continue to happen. As one effort to suppress illegal logging and preserve the trees, PT. Boogie ADVINDO as the company Anak Bangsa do one of the mitigation measures, namely through the Save the Tress, Keep Water Clean. The program begins with the production of oars that are not made of wood.

Paddle produced by Boogie ADVINDO, as Director, Anas Ridwan, is expected to absorb the local and international markets so that more can hire more workers amid the global financial crisis and the tight competition in the business. "Save The Trees, Keep The Clean Water is also a program to encourage the general public the importance of clean water for human life today and in the future. Because future generations to be healthy both spiritual and physical, "the statement Boogie ADVINDO Director, Anas Ridwan.

In each oar made of PVC and polyprophilane it, spiked with the slogan 'Save The Trees, Keep the Water Clean ". With the purchase worth Rp 500,000 oar that, consumers have donated funds for tree planting. "Every year, the market absorbs Indonesia 1000-2000 oars. Boogie production capability reaches 10,000 per year. We are currently exploring the export efforts. Japan, Australia and America is our target market and until now serapannya also quite good, "Anas said that the launch of the program was interrupted encountered Save The Trees, Keep The Clean Water held in Bali on Friday (17/04).

PT. Boogie in the program ADVINDO Save The Trees, the Water Clean Keep it took 2 Swiss citizens who are currently traveling around the world by the World Travel Team, Samuel and Philipe to participate, where in every place in the countries they singgahi, they will convey how important we are to conduct environmental conservation.

Boogie ADVINDO is a company located in the street 26 C Talang Raya Bogor. The company produces a wide range of water sports equipment such as boat (rubber boats) that is widely used by travel services companies, rafting, paddle, helmet, vest and other supporting devices. In addition, manufacturers who have this Boogie brand, also produces backpacks, sandals, shoes, shirts and various other equipment associated with adventure activities (adventure).

Terima kasih

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Your donation will then be a process. Thank you for your concern for the environment.

Donasi anda akan segera kami proses. Terima kasih atas kepedulian Anda terhadap lingkungan.

One Man One Tree

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Threat and environmental problems facing mankind today is global warming and climate change. Indonesia has an important role in global climate change issues by providing environmental services in the form of absorption of carbon emissions from existing forests. Government of Indonesia through the Forestry ministry to take steps to control climate change and global warming with the movement of one man one tree. Let's participate to the success of the movement one man one tree for a better life.

Forest area of Indonesia which has 120.3 million hectares is believed to be able to absorb emissions significantly. However, deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia is also considered as a source of carbon emissions because the CO2 released into the atmosphere. In good forest conditions, forest resources and useful as a store of carbon emissions or absorbent Greenhouse Gas (Grk). However, the forest conditions that are less good, regarded as a source of carbon emissions because the CO2 released into the atmosphere. According to the Stern Report, deforestation contributes 18% of the total world emissions Grk, and 75% are from developing countries.

The Indonesian government targets, in 2009 Indonesia was the nation able to plant as many as 230 million trees. In order to meet the target of planting one tree, the Indonesian people have to work and strive to awaken and develop the participation of the widest. By calculating the per person, then individually, in families, groups, RT, RW, Village, Sub-District, District, Regional, Local Government to participate must be sought to planting trees. We must start from ourselves, we start from our own environment, we start from now, ONE MAN ONE TREE!

Movement tree planting and maintenance should continue to be promoted and carried out continuously in the growing season each year. Within 5 to 10 years, the Indonesian people will enjoy the beautiful green earth serial Indonesia.

Forestry Department made various efforts to participate in controlling climate change and global warming. Effort involving all components of this nation, in principle, is to reproduce the trees and plants that reproduce the absorption of elements harmful gases, and preserving existing forests. Forestry Department effort to do the tree planting on a large scale and maintain the integrity of forest ecosystems, among others with:

* HTI program, until the year 2009 has been embedded in the tree area of 4.2 million ha of the targeted 5 million ha.
* Gerhan program until the year 2009 has been embedded in the tree area of 3.7 million ha of the targeted 5 million ha.
* Expansion and Intensification Program Forest until the year 2009 has been planted 1.7 million ha of the targeted 2 million ha.
* Forest Plantation Development of the People until the year 2015 with a target of 5.4 million ha.
* Forest Village until the year 2015 with a target of 2.1 million ha,
* Community Forest until the year 2015 with a target of 2.1 million ha.

In addition to these programs, the Ministry of Forestry also has tried reducing deforestation and forest degradation and land of 2.83 million ha / year in 1999-2000 to 1.08 million ha / year in 2000-2006, lowering land degraded or critical from 59.3 million ha by the year 2005 to 30 million hectares after the year 2005. Lowering the level of illegal logging and illegal timber trade from 9600 cases at the end of 2004 to 300 cases at the end of 2008, as well as controlling the level of land and forest fires by reducing the amount of 121,622 hotspot point in 2006, 27,247 points in 2007 and until 11 November 2008 17,020 observed points. Compared in 2006 in a fire-prone provinces, in 2007 a decline in the hotspot by 78% and in 2008 a decline in the hotspot for 86%.

The next step, the Ministry of Forestry invites people of all components simultaneously planting activities nationwide that have begun since 2007 with a target of 79 million trees, and in 2008 with a target of 100 million trees. Realization, the targets were exceeded. Trees that had grown beyond the proclaimed goals. Planting simultaneously nationwide in 2007 realized 86.9 million trees. Women's Movement and Maintain Planting Trees in 2007 as many as 10 million stems, realized 14.1 million stems. Simultaneously Planting Movement 100 million trees in 2008 has been realized as much as 109 million stems (more than 100%). Planting Movement and the Women's Food Security Program (GPT-PKP) was also realized more than 100% ie 5,083,467 of 5,010,000 plan stems from the rod. Similarly, partnership with various religious organizations in planting trees, has planted 700 million trees.


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Hutan adalah sebuah kawasan yang ditumbuhi dengan lebat oleh pepohonan dan tumbuhan lainnya. Kawasan-kawasan semacam ini terdapat di wilayah-wilayah yang luas di dunia dan berfungsi sebagai penampung karbon dioksida (carbon dioxide sink), habitat hewan, modulator arus hidrologika, serta pelestari tanah, dan merupakan salah satu aspek biosfer Bumi yang paling penting.

Hutan adalah bentuk kehidupan yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Kita dapat menemukan hutan baik di daerah tropis maupun daerah beriklim dingin, di dataran rendah maupun di pegunungan, di pulau kecil maupun di benua besar.

Hutan merupakan suatu kumpulan tetumbuhan, terutama pepohonan atau tumbuhan berkayu lain, yang menempati daerah yang cukup luas.

Pohon sendiri adalah tumbuhan cukup tinggi dengan masa hidup bertahun-tahun. Jadi, tentu berbeda dengan sayur-sayuran atau padi-padian yang hidup semusim saja. Pohon juga berbeda karena secara mencolok memiliki sebatang pokok tegak berkayu yang cukup panjang dan bentuk tajuk (mahkota daun) yang jelas.

Suatu kumpulan pepohonan dianggap hutan jika mampu menciptakan iklim dan kondisi lingkungan yang khas setempat, yang berbeda daripada daerah di luarnya. Jika kita berada di hutan hujan tropis, rasanya seperti masuk ke dalam ruang sauna yang hangat dan lembab, yang berbeda daripada daerah perladangan sekitarnya. Pemandangannya pun berlainan. Ini berarti segala tumbuhan lain dan hewan (hingga yang sekecil-kecilnya), serta beraneka unsur tak hidup lain termasuk bagian-bagian penyusun yang tidak terpisahkan dari hutan.

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